We got our tree yesterday. Getting our tree home and in the stand the right way used to be a big issue for my hubby and I, that always ended in an argument, until my brilliant friend Emily said, "Why don't you take your stand with you to the Christmas tree lot? They'll put it in there for you." And those words changed my life. I mean, why didn't I know that 9 years ago!!??
So anyway, yesterday, we brought it home, already in its stand. It was wonderful. Until we realized that it was crooked. So, we still ended up having to hold and tip and tighten and get pricked, but it wasn't a big deal at all. I don't even know why we've had issues in the past! I always love seeing the legs coming out from under the tree. This is Randy trying to get it just right.
And, I don't know about yours, but apparently, our tree has to be drilled into a piece of wood to be really secured.
He just likes being able to use his drill.
After getting it upright, River and I quickly put the lights on together while Daddy took Asher potty. It was the first time she helped with the lights, but even getting pricked didn't bother her. We were on a task to surprise the boys. And by the time they were done (he had to go poopie so it took a little while) River was saying,
"Close your eyes! Ok, look!! SURPRISE! The lights are on!"
She felt like she had given the first gift of Christmas. It was great.
It was one of those moments that you don't want to forget, and that passes too quickly.
Em is doing a fun thing over at her place where we can all stop and savor the moments of this season. Enjoying the everyday, or to use her phrase, unwrapping everyday, and seeing how beautiful each moment is. Take a moment to listen to the stories of others, and challenge yourself to stop long enough to unwrap today.
Girl, way to double dip! I love it! Your tree is wonderful: nothing like a man under a tree with a drill to get you in the Christmas spirit. Thanks for sharing with us! Way to unwrap the moment.
What a sweet memory for your family. :) And I will totally have to remember that whole bring-your-treestand thing in case we ever stop renting and can put up a real tree. :)
You know what else causes the tree setup not to end in an argument? HAVING A FAKE TREE! FAKE TREE FAKE TREE FAKE TREE! (PRELIT!)
What a great post! I bet she was so excited to surprise them with the lights! Happy Holidays!
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