Saturday, December 27, 2008

On Christmas Morn...

We had a great Christmas, filled with gifts of joy and cheer throughout the day.

We started with our birthday party for Jesus, where we have yummy cake - the kids wanted Jesus to have chocolate chocolate cake this year for His birthday.

Then we moved into the present opening.   Asher's at the stage where he could spend all day just with the first present, and never care about getting to any other gifts.

River, however, went from one to the next, barely stopping for a breath.

I think the biggest hit was the new furniture addition that I'm so lucky to have added to our house...(just ignore the clean clothes piled up on the sofa).

It seems to always come and go quickly, and before you know it, another year has gone by.      But even though the day has come and gone, my hope is that the joy and remembrance of Christ will remain in our hearts each day in this next year.     Hope you each had a wonderful Christmas!


Hyperactive Lu said...

Love the furniture addition!!

Merry Christmas!

Leslie P said...

Great blog thanks for posting this