I love my birthday. I've always loved it. My mom and dad when I was little always had this red plate that said, "You Are Special Today" around the rim. I used to get as excited about eating off the red plate as I did having my birthday breakfast and dinner be whatever I chose. Usually, I picked french toast for breakfast and fried chicken, mashed potatoes and green beans for dinner. My mom never even blinked an eye about my requests. She would simply say, "Ok, that's what we'll have!" We had family parties and friend parties. It was an all day (sometimes week) celebration. Presents were pretty nominal, but it was the celebration that was always so grand. I definitely felt special on that day.
However, as life goes into one day, and out the next, many days and years go by, without feeling so special. And what's worse, we get tricked into believing that we're not very special, except maybe on days like our birthdays. We believe lies that life would be better if we were better. That we're not good enough without having her house or her body or even, (gulp) her blog and that many comments! If I could have more money or make better grades. If I could get into that school or find a husband. If my kids acted like that or if I had clothes like that. If I could have faith like that. The list goes on and on. And we end up feeling like for some reason or another, we're just not that good. That we're not that loved. Or that loveable.
One thing I love about getting older is that I know more and more of who I am. And I see more of the woman that God has made me to be. And I'm learning to love who He created. Without conditions. Whether or not I'm in that size of jeans, and whether or not I did a good job at that. Whether or not people like me. Whether or not my house looks clean and beautiful. Whether or not my husband and I get in a fight. I see that what He made was a wonderful and fearful creation. That doesn't change day by day, depending on how I act, or what I look like. And who am I to say that what the CREATOR made isn't good enough?
I felt very celebrated this year for my birthday by several sweet people. From breakfast to late night, I was doing things that I love to do (most of those things included eating yummy food). I'm so thankful for the way that God has provided such a group of people around me to remind me that He loves me. Not to mention how much fun I have with my family and friends! But I am thankful to know that it's not just about being special "today" on my birthday. No, it's knowing that you are that way everyday. That you are special today.
If you tend to believe that you're not good enough, or that you're nothing that special, I would challenge you to believe what He says about you. That you were made by Him and for Him. He longs for you to know His unconditional love and acceptance.
"I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made." ~psalm 139:14
Goo word my friend!
That was supposed to be good!
What I want to know is whether this is what you talked about on your birthday dessert, since you and Emily posted such similar things.
Excellent and so true! You are soooooo special, talented and loving! Happy Birthday friend!
"life would be better if I were better"
that sums up the lie so well. Thank you and happy birthday!
What a great post. I'm glad you had a great birthday!
And with that, I think I am grabbing my 'You are Special' plate right now, making myself some coffee and having a treat...just because....HE thinks I am amazingly special. Even if I have to remind myself of that sometimes. :)
Happy belated bday!
happy birthday week!!! ;)
thanks, you all, for your encouraging words!
Kari, it's really funny, because Em and I didn't talk about this at all. I just went and read hers, and was a little scared. ;)
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