Saturday, August 02, 2008

I Know You've Missed These...

I know that you've been dying to hear more yard sale tales. Since I've been traveling so much, I'm sure I've missed my fair share of goodies over these last few weeks. Hopefully, you've picked up where I left off, and found some goodies for yourself. Or maybe you've at least gotten some of these goodies on Saturday mornings.

I know you probably don't want to hear how I got oodles of lighted Christmas garland and self inflating mats for camping. And I won't bore you with telling you how I happened to find treasured books of old, new dress up clothes, and preschool games for my kids. Or that I found a little double breasted suit for Asher and cute winter hats for River. And how I got a bunch of fun comic books and 2 bird feeders that I've been wanting. And I definitely won't tell you that it only cost me about $35 for everything.

But I had to show you this...

Pretty sweet, huh? She can't wait to wear her "new" coat this winter.


Jenny said...

you are the yard sale queen! river is such a cutie. i hope the four of you are enjoying your days together.

Jen - Balancing Beauty and Bedlam said...

There is nothing I love better than a good yard sale post. My favorite funthi ng to do in the whole world
(besides anything with the fam, of course.:)

living life said...

so sweet, she will love that coat in the winter, looks so cute on her and the hat